Dear Parents,
The safety and well being of our students, staff, and families is a top priority in our district. As new cases of COVID19 otherwise known as the Coronavirus continue to be reported in the United States, it is important for our stakeholders to understand the facts about the virus and ways the district is enacting our safety plan in order to help safeguard our schools.
Recently, Madison County Public Health convened a COVID19 workgroup which included a cross section of Madison County agencies, including London City Schools, in order to collaborate and coordinate information and resources. The organizations have agreed to coordinate communicating updates on the disease to county residents through each organization’s various communication resources. As a stakeholder with our district, you can expect updates to be sent on a regular basis through our website, App, social media, and/or through Robocalls.
In the meantime, here is some important information and resources regarding the disease and our district’s response.
- Coronavirus Factsheet
- Coronavirus Disease Prevention
- Madison County Public Health
- Ohio Department of Health
- Centers for Disease Control
Here are a few practical steps we are taking as a district to help curtail the spread of the disease:
- Remaining calm and assisting public health organizations, especially Madison County Public Health, in providing factual information to the community.
- When available, providing masks in all offices for sick persons visiting the school. Based on guidance from the CDC and Madison County Public Health, masks should be used only by health care workers and sick persons.
- When available, providing greater availability of hand sanitizer in common areas.
- Continue nightly cleaning and disinfection of surfaces especially high touch surfaces around the district.
Consistent with the recommendations from Madison County Public Health and the Ohio Department of Health, here are a few practical recommendations to help curtail the spread of the disease:
- Cover every cough and sneeze with your arm.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Wash your hands often.
- Don’t put your hands in your mouth, eyes, or nose.
- Avoid people who are sick.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces.
As mentioned, the district will continue to collaborate with local health care organizations on monitoring, communicating, and addressing the disease and the district’s response. Thank you for your continued support of our district and our families.
Dr. Lou Kramer
District Superintendent