
eLearning has created an opportunity for administration and teaching staff to create innovative opportunities for students to learn content and skills from home. LCS staff has developed a blended approach that keeps learning at a focus with the understanding of a new reality from working and learning from home. Distance learning has challenged the way of traditional grading where many learning opportunities cannot be graded under a traditional model. The district began assigning eLearning assignments on Wednesday, March 25th. To support students in the transition to eLearning, any grades assigned between March 25th and April 3rd will be assigned a Pass (100%) or the grade will be exempted. This means grades assigned during this two-week transition can only help a student’s grade. Beginning April 6, grades have been assigned with current district grading practices. Our goal is to continue to provide students and families with meaningful feedback in the areas of learning grade-level content and skills as well as student engagement. 

Grades K-2 Grading 

  • 4th quarter grades will be reflective of coursework completed during eLearning in Progressbook. Comments will be provided specifically to student learning and student engagement during eLearning timeframe in Progressbook.

  • Teachers have flexibility and discretion to provide feedback with S (satisfactory), P (progressing), N (needs improvement), and U (unwilling/unable) based on evidence collected during the 4th quarter. We feel it is important that student effort and engagement is reinforced. 

  • If a student has not attempted coursework, the teacher and administrators WILL work with the student and family to put supports in place. 

  • Parents and students should regularly check Progressbook, Google Classroom, and email messages regarding student coursework and grades.

  • Grade cards will be reflective of current grading practices used throughout the school year, along with a “do no harm” philosophy.

Grades 3-5 Grading 

  • 4th quarter grades will be reflective of coursework completed during in Progressbook. eLearningComments will be provided specifically to student learning and student engagement during eLearning timeframe in Progressbook

  • A student’s 4th quarter grade cannot be lower than the student’s 3rd quarter grade.  

  • Students DO have the opportunity to earn a higher 4th quarter and final grade. We feel it is important that student effort and engagement is reinforced. 

  • If a student has not attempted coursework, the teacher and administrators WILL work with the student and family to put supports in place. 

  • Parents and students should regularly check Progressbook, Google Classroom, and email messages regarding student coursework and grades.

  • Grade cards will be reflective of current grading practices used throughout the school year, along with a “do no harm” philosophy.

Grades 6-8 Grading 

  • 4th quarter grades will be reflective of coursework completed during eLearning in Progressbook.  Comments will be provided specifically to student learning and student engagement during eLearning timeframe in Progressbook. 

  • A student’s 4th quarter grade cannot be lower than the student’s 3rd quarter grade.  

  • Students DO have the opportunity to earn a higher 4th quarter and final grade. We feel it is important that student effort and engagement is reinforced. 

  • If a student has not attempted coursework, the teacher and administrators WILL work with the student and family to put supports in place. 

  • Parents and students should regularly check Progressbook, Google Classroom, and email messages regarding student coursework and grades.

  • Grade cards will be reflective of current grading practices used throughout the school year, along with a “do no harm” philosophy.

  • 8th grade students enrolled in HS class will be graded in that class according to HS guidelines.

Grades 9-12 Grading 

  • 4th quarter grades will be reflective of coursework completed during eLearning in Progressbook. Comments will be provided specifically to student learning and student engagement during eLearning timeframe in Progressbook.

  • A student’s 4th quarter grade cannot be lower than the student’s 3rd quarter grade.  

  • Students DO have the opportunity to earn a higher 4th quarter and final grade. We feel it is important that student effort and engagement is reinforced. 

  • If a student has not attempted coursework, the teacher and administrators WILL work with the student and family to put supports in place. 

  • Parents and students should regularly check Progressbook, Google Classroom, and email messages regarding student coursework and grades.

  • Grade cards will be reflective of current grading practices used throughout the school year, along with a “do no harm” philosophy.

  • Staff will NOT be issuing incomplete grades.

  • Eligibility will be in accordance with OHSAA guidelines. 

  • SENIORS - Legislation states “seniors in good standing at the time of the closure” will be permitted to graduate.  This means students “on track” to graduate will not be penalized for the closure.  Specific questions regarding individual students can be sent to Mr. Browning or Mrs. Miller. 


Important Instruction & Grading Timelines: In order to ensure students have adequate time to complete all assigned work and receive teacher support, the district will be ending the assignment of new work earlier than the last day of school. 

  • Final Exams for LHS have been cancelled 

  • iReady Spring Diagnostic for LES and LMS have been cancelled 

  • May 11: Students will NOT be assigned any new assignments

  • May 11-15: Students will be tasked with completing a reflection on eLearning and to complete any outstanding assignments.  More specific information will be shared by teachers through Google Classroom

  • May 21: All student assignments DUE

  • May 29: Report cards on Progressbook