About London City Schools
The London City School District serves over 2,200 students on a centralized campus located just north of downtown London. Approximately 15,000 residents live in the 57-square-mile district attendance area, which includes the City of London, the community of Lake Choctaw, and portions of Union, Deer Creek, Paint, Summerford, and Oak Run Townships in Madison County. Committed to its mission of providing a high-quality education, the district prepares students to meet life’s challenges with confidence and capability. London Schools uniquely reflect a microcosm of Ohio, blending rural, suburban, and urban influences within its boundaries.
How We View Improvement
The London City School District is committed to fulfilling its mission of providing a high-quality education in order to prepare students for life's challenges and is working hard to be a premier school district both in Madison County and beyond. As such, the district has established a strategic plan to move the skills students learn as part of our schools to mindsets for future success in college and careers. Every individual within the district is responsible in some part for the success of the district as a whole. To be discipline-driven, the district and each school have identified metrics and strategies for measuring success in reaching each goal.
Strategic Planning News
District Goals
All London City School District Students will Experience High Achievement and Constant Growth.
All London City School District students will be prepared for individual success.
All stakeholders will have a positive "user experience" with the London City School District.
The London City School District will demonstrate effective stewardship of all district resources.
District Students
82.6% of students are White (Non-Hispanic), 9.2% Multiracial, 5% Black (Non-Hispanic), 2.5% Hispanic, and 0.6% Asian or Pacific Islander.
51.6% of students qualify as economically disadvantaged, 4.7% as gifted, and 17.4% for special education.
District Staff
LCS employs 240 total employees of which 174 are certified and 66 are classified.
All teachers are licensed in their teaching areas and over 59.3% of teaching staff possess a Master’s Degree.
The LCS teaching staff averages 13.6 years of experience.