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Video linked below provides a student/parent perspective of what lessons will look like. Please view the video before the first day of school. Teachers will also have this video posted in Google Classroom for daily reference. K-5 Video
Video linked below provides a student/parent perspective of what lessons will look like. Please view the video before the first day of school. Teachers will also have this video posted in Google Classroom for daily reference. 6-12 Video
The London City School District is pleased to offer families a variety of educational options for the 2024-2025 school year. District students may complete coursework each day in a traditional manner or may choose to participate in the London Unlimited program, which offers a high-quality education in a time and place tailored to the needs of students and families. Learning options for the London Unlimited program include fully virtual learning, hybrid learning (part virtual/part in person), participation in an internship, or an application for high school credit through other credit flexibility options. London utilizes SchoolsPLP as its online curriculum and learning management system for its virtual courses. Each virtual course is facilitated by a highly qualified, LCS teacher.
In order to be eligible and remain enrolled in the program, students must be legally enrolled in the London City School District, complete a program application, and be accepted into the program. Once enrolled, students must maintain their attendance as demonstrated through regular course activity, demonstrate sustained academic progress, and agree to participate in state and local assessments. Students may be withdrawn from the program for failure to meet one of these expectations. Student-Athletes participating in online courses are subject to the same standards as in-person learners. High School students will be part of the Credit Flex Program. Please note, that families choosing a virtual or blended learning option must make a semester commitment.
Parents and guardians are asked to review and complete all information on this registration form. Class and schedule information will be sent individually upon approval into the program. If you have more than one student to register, please complete this form separately for each student. There will be an opportunity at the end to submit another form if needed.
London Unlimited Application 2024-2025
The deadline to register is December 13, 2024.
London Unlimited
What is London Unlimited?
London Unlimited is a program within London Middle/High School that allows students the flexibility to alter their schedule while still gaining the required courses to be promoted from LMS and the required credits to graduate from London High School. This program uses online blended learning, credit flex learning, internships, virtual learning, College Credit Plus, and a hybrid blended learning environment to help all students succeed at learning. The program requires students to attend London High School either during regularly scheduled classes or during after-school hours if taking an online course with highly qualified teachers.
London Unlimited Benefits
The London Unlimited program is unique in that it allows students to have an alternative school day with nearly unlimited possibilities. Students can attend classes during the regular school day and LHS students can gain credits in Art, Music, Agricultural Education, Exploratory Arts (Woods, Digital Photography, etc.), or any core course offered at London High School as well as take advantage of online courses that are offered and taught by London Middle/High School teachers after school in the Media Resource Center. These online courses are assigned with the student’s needs in mind with the goal of creating the best learning environment for that student. This individual plan for success will create a program that allows students to move towards graduation in the best and most direct path.
Students who are utilizing a hybrid blended schedule (courses taken during the regular school day at London High School as well as at least one online course or credit recovery course) may have different after-school obligations, depending on the coursework taken. If a student is only taking one course via online learning, s/he will meet with their teacher either during a scheduled study hall or during the after-school Unlimited time. The requirements for face-time with teachers does not change, only the time in which this teaching takes place.
What happens if I do not meet the requirements?
London Unlimited is an Opt-In program; this means the students are opting into a program with the understanding they are responsible for meeting during the assigned times, completing the work in a satisfactory manner, and progressing through their courses in a timely manner. Students who are not attending their scheduled meeting times, failing to satisfactory complete work, or falling behind in the progress of the course will be placed on a two-week probation, allowing for the student to show some progress towards success, and then be removed from the program and placed back in regularly scheduled classes during the London Middle/High School day. The ultimate decision on whether a student is permitted to stay in the program to show progress lies with the London Unlimited program director and the London City School superintendent. Communication with students and parents will take place prior to any decision of probation or exiting of the program. London City Schools wants students to succeed and feels this program and these requirements will help students find the success they are seeking.
How do I know what courses to take?
The London Unlimited program director, school counselors, parents, and students will meet to determine what credits are needed and what courses should be taken for the student to complete requirements towards graduation. London City Schools requires twenty-two (22) credits for graduation and the Unlimited program will help students gain these credits in a learning environment that helps the student best.
Student Discipline
Students will follow the London High School Student Code of Conduct and adhere to all of the regulations including attendance and dress code while on school grounds. After-school teachers may have rules for their class which must be followed to ensure all students have access to a quality education. Students are encouraged to attend school functions, participate in extracurricular activities, and attend after-school functions such as student clubs and activities. Student discipline will fall within the guidelines set forth by the teachers and the administrators. Students are subject to detentions, suspensions, and expulsions if warranted by the actions of the student.
The courses listed below are current online courses that are offered but do not reflect all courses a student may choose. The London Unlimited program director may add or delete courses as enrollment and graduation requirements change. Flex Credit options are not listed below as potential courses.
London Unlimited Online Course Offerings
London Unlimited Online Course Offerings 9-12
Mathematics: | English: |
Algebra I A (Semester 1)Algebra I B (Semester 2)Algebra II A (Semester 1) Algebra II B (Semester 2) Consumer Math A (Semester 1) Consumer Math B (Semester 2) Geometry A (Semester 1) Geometry B (Semester 2) Pre- Calculus A (Semester 1) Pre- Calculus B (Semester 2) Probability & Statistics (½ Credit) | English 1A (Semester 1)English 1B (Semester 2)English 2 A (Semester 1) English 2 B (Semester 2) English 3 A (Semester 1) English 3 B (Semester 2) English 4 A (Semester 1) English 4 B (Semester 2) |
Science: | Social Studies: |
Physical Science A (Semester 1)Physical Science B (Semester 2)Biology A (Semester 1) Biology B (Semester 2) Chemistry A (Semester 1) Chemistry B (Semester 1) Environmental Science A (Semester 1) Environmental Science B (Semester 2) | American Government A (Semester1)American Government B (Semester 2)US History A (Semester 1) US History B (Semester 2) World History A (Semester 1) World History B (Semester 2) World Geography A (Semester 1) World Geography B (Semester 2) Psychology A (½ Credit) Economics A (½ Credit) |
Electives: |
London Unlimited Online Course Offerings 6-8
Mathematics: | English: |
6th Grade Mathematics 7th Grade Mathematics 8th Grade Mathematics | 6th Grade English 7th Grade English 8th Grade English |
Science: | Social Studies: |
Life Science (grade 6) Physical Science (grade 7) Earth & Space (grade 8) | 6th Grade Social Studies 7th Grade Social Studies 8th Grade Social Studies |
Electives: | Required: Health (8th Grade) |
Quarter and semester grades will be available in ProgressBook.
To review grades on a daily basis parents may log in using their student’s username and password in PLP to view messages and progress without affecting grades or statistics.
District Assessments
K-8 iReady Diagnostic to be completed in Fall, Winter, and Spring. For diagnostic purposes, students will be scheduled an assessment time to come to the elementary building and have iReady proctored.
K-12 state assessment requirements will be followed. Students will be scheduled for assessment time based on testing requirements to come to their building and have assessments proctored.
Expectations Middle School (6-8) Students:
Expect to be scheduled into all courses (4 core + electives) in Schools PLP simultaneously, with weekly pacing expectations.
All learning activities will take place within (or linked from) the student's Schools PLP courses and Google Classroom.
Utilize a suggested schedule that is provided, but know that flexibility is built within each day and no set meeting times are “required.”
Be prepared to engage in a balance between online and offline activities.
Communicate with your teachers regularly, particularly when you are struggling.
Check email and Google Classroom messages daily. Respond, as needed.
Engage daily in learning activities and assessments.
Create a daily or weekly schedule for yourself to ensure that you are engaging regularly and making consistent progress in all of your courses.
Check email, Google Classroom, and PLP messages daily. Read all feedback provided by teachers. Respond, as needed.
Be prepared to complete most of your learning through online activities.
Communicate with your teachers regularly, particularly when you are struggling.
Expectations High School (9-12) Students:
Expect to be scheduled into all courses required for graduation in Schools PLP simultaneously, with weekly pacing expectations.
All learning activities will take place within (or linked from) the student's Schools PLP courses and Google Classroom.
Utilize a suggested schedule that is provided, but know that flexibility is built within each day and no set meeting times are “required.”
Be prepared to engage in a balance between online and offline activities.
Communicate with your teachers regularly, particularly when you are struggling.
Check email and Google Classroom messages daily. Respond, as needed.
Engage daily in learning activities and assessments.
Create a daily or weekly schedule for yourself to ensure that you are engaging regularly and making consistent progress in all of your courses.
Check email, Google Classroom, and PLP messages daily. Read all feedback provided by teachers. Respond, as needed.
Be prepared to complete most of your learning through online activities.
Communicate with your teachers regularly, particularly when you are struggling.
Parent/ Guardian Expectations:
As a parent of a student who is participating in London Unlimited, please be prepared to:
Ensure that your student has the necessary equipment and Internet access to participate daily in the online course.
Provide your student with a safe and appropriate place to work while at home.
Ensure that your student has sufficient time in his/her daily schedule to work on online coursework.
Use Google Classroom and Schools PLP to monitor your student’s progress.
Communicate with your student in order to be aware of their work and progress.
Encourage your student to seek help from their online teacher when needed.
Ensure that all assessments and work is done by your student, that learning is authentic, and that submitted work is original.
Be aware of expectations for online learning activities and pacing.
Communicate academic concerns, special needs, and/or extenuating circumstances with online teachers and/or administrators, as needed.
Provide academic support, based on student needs.
Encourage independence with support to learn time-management skills when appropriate.
Monitor student’s comprehension and grades.
Communicate as needed with your student's teacher; encourage and support student/teacher communication.
Understand Students’ Engagement Status
London Unlimited
Category | Definition |
On Track | The On Track Student is logging in regularly, submitting work at a pace that will allow him, or her, to complete the course on time or ahead of the scheduled end date. |
Behind | The Behind student is logging in regularly but is starting to fall behind in submitting work. |
Far Behind | The Far Behind student is logging in regularly but is behind in submitting work. This student may not successfully complete the course if academic performance does not improve. |
Partly Disengaged | The Partly Disengaged student has stopped working in one or more assigned courses. |
Fully Disengaged | The Fully Disengaged student has stopped working in all assigned courses. |