The London City School District met in a regular session on Tuesday, March 15th, 2023. The meeting was called to order by Board President, Mr. Donovan Cooper with all members present. Early in the meeting, the Board recognized the following students for significantly demonstrating the attributes highlighted in the District’s Portrait of a Graduate: Jack Bigham (4th), Kolby Thoman (8th), Jaiden Ballah (LU), Kyleigh Wilson (12th). In addition, the Board of Education also recognized Mr. Roy Greenlee, a Spanish teacher at London High School, as the district’s monthly Portrait of an Educator Honoree.
During her Treasurer’s report, Ms. Blind informed the Board that the district’s budget is running close to what was predicted. The Board also approved several routine business items including changing appropriations and revenues to accommodate a new safety grant and approving funds to repair the bus garage fence.
During Dr. Kramer’s Superintendent Report, he updated the Board on the progress of the district leadership team. The purpose of the DLT is to ensure the district is making progress on increasing student achievement and attaining district goals throughout the year. The team meets quarterly. In addition, he updated the Board on its priority of increasing safety and security. He noted that the district received $11,432.81 in funding from the Attorney General’s Office to be used for safety. The monies will be earmarked for the purchase and installation of MARCS radios in each school office. MARCS radios provide a direct link to first responders. He submitted another grant to the AGO for additional funds to cover the entire cost of the system. Finally, in regard to the priority of planning for future growth, Dr. Kramer added that the district received final quotes for lighting and fencing upgrades for the field project late Monday. This was too late to be included in this month’s agenda but will be recommended in April. The quotes are within the budget expectations included in November’s five-year forecast.
During the policy and governance portion of the Superintendent’s Report, the Board conducted the first reading of the 2024-2025 draft academic calendar. The Board then approved a revised 2023-2024 Academic Calendar and the Course Guides for London High School and London Middle School for the next school year.
As part of the Superintendent’s business items, the Board acted to create an elementary art teaching position for the 2023-2024 school year and create additional special education teaching and paraprofessional positions in order for the district to provide direct instruction to students identified with multiple disabilities or having an emotional disability. The action withdraws the district from the Educational Service Center consortium with the expectation to improve program outcomes, communication, and cost-effectiveness. Finally, the Board approved a recommendation to purchase a trailer for the marching band which will be used to transport instruments and equipment. The district’s music boosters will reimburse half of the cost of the trailer.
During the personnel portion of the Superintendent’s report, the Board acted to employ three individuals for classified positions and accept two certified resignations. Other routine personnel matters were also approved.
During its Board business, individual Board members provided verbal reports for their various committees before approving five-year contract extensions for District Treasurer, Ms. Kristine Blind, and District Superintendent, Dr. Lou Kramer.
The next meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for Tuesday, April 11th, 2023. The meeting will be held in the College and Career Readiness Center of London High School and begin at 6:30 pm. The minutes of each meeting are approved the following month and then posted here.