The London City School District met in a regular session on Tuesday, February 13th, 2024. The meeting was called to order by the Board President, Mr. Marshall Geib with all members present.
During the student achievement portion of the meeting, the Board of Education recognized several students for exemplary demonstration of the district’s Portrait of a Graduate skills and dispositions. In addition, the Board recognized LMS Teacher, Desirae Thomas, as the district’s Portrait of an Educator Honoree for February.
Mrs. Blind noted that the district received its real estate tax advance on 2-1-24 and therefore the variance report indicated a slight decrease in revenues. With the advance received, revenues and expenses are trending close to as expected for the year.
During the treasurer’s recommendations, the Board accepted a donation from Arby’s Corporation of $25,811.47 to be applied to delinquent student lunch accounts and approved a recommendation to join a cooperative to purchase natural gas.
Dr. Kramer provided the Board with an update on the district’s priorities. Highlights include collaborating with district associations on the 2025-2026 academic calendar, working with Ohio Edison and the City of London to install a light over the Elm Street crosswalk, and recommending later in the agenda the Board to approve a proposal by MidSates Recreation to replace the London Elementary School playground.
The Board also voted to approve several recommendations presented by Dr. Kramer, including but not limited to the final reading of the 2024-2025 LMS Course Guide, updated Facility Rental Fees, membership to the OHSAA for the 2024-2025 school year, and several overnight trips for student groups.
During the personnel portion of the Superintendent’s report, the Board acted to employ 3 paraprofessionals to assist LES teachers with lunch and playground duty, approved the addition of a School Psychologist position for the 2024-2025 school year (Since this is currently a contracted position this is a cost savings), and employed two teachers for the 2024-2025 school year.
The minutes of each meeting are approved the following month and then posted here.