almost 4 years ago, Julia Smith
District 2021-2022 Academic Calendar https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/427151?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible
almost 4 years ago, Lou Kramer
Be Awesome Today
almost 4 years ago, Lou Kramer
Dr. Kramer
Many of our students live in kinship and adoptive family placements. If you know someone who may benefit will you please share this flyer with them? OhioKAN is a helpful resource!
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Canney
Partners Plus+ Families w/children birth-age 5 can receive safety items up to $200 per family.
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Canney
Partner flyer
Just a reminder, this Friday, March 26th will be a virtual learning day for all London City Schools in order to support staff members in receiving their second COVID19 vaccination. Look for further updates from schools and individual teachers later this week. #londonpossible
almost 4 years ago, Lou Kramer
Breaking News
Thank you to London McDonalds! The Raider Rack is now in each of our school's providing students in need free clothes, shoes, and other necessities. #londonpossible https://www.columbusmessenger.com/mcdonalds-donates-1000-to-lcss-raider-rack.html
almost 4 years ago, Lou Kramer
McDonald's Donation
LCS Enrollment Down Slightly in 2020-21 but Expected to Continue to Grow in the Future https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/416634?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible
almost 4 years ago, #londonpossible
Goal 5
Take a few minutes to get to know and give a virtual high five to former Tae Bo aficionado and current LHS Asst. High School Principal Mrs. Carla Shaw https://thesuperandtheshu.libsyn.com/high-five-with-mrs-shaw #superandtheshupodcast #londonpossible
almost 4 years ago, Lou Kramer
Super and the Shu Podcast
almost 4 years ago, Kim Crumley
KG Student Writing
The latest episode of the #superandshupodcast is now live! In this episode Dr. Kramer and Mr. Shumaker wax poetic about the return of all students to campus and talk about what's next. Give a listen. #londonpossible https://thesuperandtheshu.libsyn.com/were-coming-back
almost 4 years ago, Lou Kramer
Super and Shu Podcast
London Planning Summer Intervention Programs to Target Learning Loss https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/406900?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible
almost 4 years ago, Lou Kramer
Goal 2
London Middle and High School Students to Return to Daily, On-Campus Learning Beginning Monday, March 1st, 2021 https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/407223?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible
almost 4 years ago, Lou Kramer
Breaking LCS News
Information for individuals and families about free or reduced cost mobile phone with wireless services. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GeAgI6a4hVaV36d_KJs_V4zSwHnU-58Y/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Canney
Vaccine Distribution for LCS Staff, Virtual Learning for All Students Scheduled for Friday, February 26th https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/404718?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible
almost 4 years ago, Lou Kramer
London Redefines Calamity Plan https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/402120?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible
almost 4 years ago, #londonpossible
Get to know LHS Principal Mr. Browning a little better in this High 5 Episode of the #superandshupodcast https://thesuperandtheshu.libsyn.com/high-five-with-mr-browning #londonpossible #inthistogetherLCS
almost 4 years ago, #londonpossible
The Super and Shu Podcast Logo
LHS Bolsters CCP Offerings, Designs Track for Completing Ohio Transfer Module https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/396788?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible #inthistogetherLCS
almost 4 years ago, Lou Kramer
Goal 1
London Board of Education Approves New Commencement Date in Anticipation of an In Person Graduation https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/398400?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible #inthistogetherLCS
almost 4 years ago, Lou Kramer
Be Awesome Today
Attn LCS Parents: For those who use ParentAccess to check student homework and grades, the system will be down on Monday, February 8th starting at 8:00pm. This is for a system update which will last several hours. Thanks!!
almost 4 years ago, Julia Smith