Earlier today Governor Dewine extended eLearning for all of Ohio's schools until at least May 1st. We are working on updating our LCS COVID19 webpage with more info & answers to frequently asked questions. Look for updates later this week. #InThisTogetherLCS #londonpossible
over 4 years ago, Lou Kramer
It's the first week back from spring break and our first few days of eLearning! We've got this London. Please enjoy this quick video mashup from the week. https://youtu.be/TXY3u--zNnE #londonpossible #InThisTogetherLCS
almost 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
almost 5 years ago, Melissa Canney
census flyer
Sufficient Grace weekend food boxes are still available to SG students. If you want to continue receiving SG and you haven't already please contact Melissa Canney at melissa.canney@london.k12.oh.us or 740-852-5700 ext. 2109. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Melissa Canney
almost 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
Clarification: the Raider Rack food sacks are school b'fast/lunch. Please complete the google form if you want your child to get school b'fast/lunch. If your child ALSO gets Sufficient Grace and you want them to get SG, please contact me at melissa.canney@london.k12.oh.us.
almost 5 years ago, Melissa Canney
London Families - We're still working to make #londonpossible Please visit our district's COVID19 webpage for links to district communications, operations, eLearning, Food Service, etc. https://www.london.k12.oh.us/o/london-city-schools/page/covid19-updates-and-resources
almost 5 years ago, #londonpossible
Raider Rack Food Sack Deliveries Begin March 23rd https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/213625?org=london-city-schools
almost 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
almost 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
Partner Post: COVID19 Testing Infographic
almost 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
COVID19 Testing
London City School District Update: COVID19 (March 13, 2020) https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/208690?org=london-city-schools
almost 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
Current Sufficient Grace families, if you want your child to receive SG on 3/27 and 4/3, please contact Melissa Canney at 740-852-5700 ext. 2109 or melissa.canney@london.k12.oh.us. Pick up will be at each building 12-12:30pm. If you need a home delivery please make a request.
almost 5 years ago, Melissa Canney
Sufficient Grace logo
BREAKING: LHS to Dismiss at 11:30 am on March 13 2020 https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/207759?org=london-city-schools
almost 5 years ago, #londonpossible
Superintendent Automated Call to Families (March 12 2020) https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/207099?org=london-city-schools
almost 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
almost 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
An Open Letter to London Families About COVID19 https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/205560?org=london-city-schools
almost 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
District to Hold Annual Fine Arts Festival April 4th https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/203422?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible
almost 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
Partner Information: March 10th Coronavirus Update for Madison County https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/204899?org=london-city-schools
almost 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
Raiders in the News: Magical ‘Mary Poppins’ descends on LHS stage https://www.columbusmessenger.com/magical-mary-poppins-descends-on-lhs-stage.html #londonpossible
almost 5 years ago, #londonpossible
Raiders in the News: Quinn Santucci Rotary Student of the Month https://www.columbusmessenger.com/quinn-santucci-rotary-student-of-the-month-at-london.html #londonpossible
almost 5 years ago, #londonpossible