15 million students in 28,062 schools and 115 countries were part of the 2020 Great Kindness Challenge and @londonmsoh was one of them! @KidsforPeace has acknowledge us as a Kindness Certified School for 2020 #londonpossible #webeforeme
about 5 years ago, Mr. Belmont
Big Brother Big Sister and Raider Rack school volunteer Joyce Lloyd is recognized by London Rotary Club with a Service Above Self award.
about 5 years ago, Melissa Canney
Joyce Lloyd with husband Tom and Melissa Canney LCS Student Support Specialist
A wonderful camp opportunity for students experiencing grief to promote healing and to connect with others.
about 5 years ago, Melissa Canney
Grief Camp Flyer
Raiders in the News: LHS’ Cline wins Kurt Lattimer Aspiring Artist Award #londonpossible https://madisoncountyspotlight.com/2020/02/09/lhs-cline-wins-kurt-lattimer-aspiring-artist-award/
about 5 years ago, #londonpossible
All London Schools are closed for Fri Feb 7th. Be safe & get healthy Raiders. #londonpossible
about 5 years ago, #londonpossible
All London City Schools will begin Fri Feb 7th on a 2 hr delay. Be safe Raiders.
about 5 years ago, #londonpossible
Raiders In the News: Nominations sought for London Academic Hall of Fame https://www.columbusmessenger.com/nominations-sought-for-london-academic-hall-of-fame.html #londonpossible
about 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
London News
Celebrating Career & Technical Education @londonmsoh during tonight’s PTC w/ @counselorboett in the LMS cafeteria 👍🏻👊🏻👏🏻 #londonpossible @londonschools @drloukramer
about 5 years ago, Mr. Belmont
Career Pathways
Congrats to London Football Players Jayvion Stevens (Urbana) Juane Gardner (Urbana) & Seth Best (Wilmington) on their signings today! We are very proud of you & look forward to watching your climb in the years to come. #londonpossible
about 5 years ago, #londonpossible
NLI Signing 2020
LONDON MOURNS THE LOSS OF LONGTIME COACH AND SUPPORTER BILL BIRMELE https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/187644?org=london-city-schools
about 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
London Logo
Just a reminder, all London City Schools will be dismissing early this Thursday, Feb. 6th for Parent Teacher conferences. Thank you!
about 5 years ago, #londonpossible
Be awesome today.
Tuesday’s @ LES + Big Brother Big Sister = Positive relationship building with students and mentors!
about 5 years ago, Melissa Canney
iReady family reports have been sent home with LES students and will be mailed home to LMS students. Ask your student about the growth made so far this year!
about 5 years ago, Kylie Pritchard
We are loving our new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/38Zz8Jm or iPhone: https://apple.co/2s7cz4I
about 5 years ago, #londonpossible
App Logo
Mr. Greenlee's Spanish III class making El Ojo de Dios.
about 5 years ago, Carla Shaw
Mr. Greenlee's Spanish III
Episode 9 of the #superandshupodcast is now live! This one features Heather Sherman from the Ohio STEM Learning Network & Mrs. Pritchard talking up our district design challenge. It also has a montage of guests from the 1st 8 episodes! http://thesuperandtheshu.libsyn.com/
about 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
Super and Shu Podcast
London High School students compete on the screen, ready to take skills to state https://www.10tv.com/article/london-high-school-students-compete-screen-ready-take-skills-state-2020-jan
about 5 years ago, #londonpossible
A big thank you to Brittney Bailey & Scott from 10TV who stopped by to chat with Reid Ethan Drew & Mr. Shumaker about our Esports team! #londonpossible
about 5 years ago, Lou Kramer
10TV visits Esports
Raiders in the News: Robo-Raiders prep for next contest https://www.columbusmessenger.com/robo-raiders-prep-for-next-contest.html #londonpossible
about 5 years ago, #londonpossible
Robo Raiders
What are you thankful for? Thanks for the reminder 3rd graders. #WeBeforeMe #LondonPossible
about 5 years ago, Lead Dreamer Mr. Riley