This week serves as a gateway into a whirlwind of activities as the school year winds to a close. Besides a variety of other activities, tomorrow our second graders will dress up and participate in their annual Vocabulary Parade, while our high school student-athletes are encouraged to wear red and white as they attend the first annual Respy’s Awards, a celebration of Red Raider athletics planned and hosted by the district’s Sports Management class.
Students and staff members not already wearing red and white or a vocabulary costume are encouraged to wear black and gold to support the Columbus Crew as they prepare for their rivalry match this weekend. London City Schools is a proud partner with the Crew as part of the Stay in the Game Network designed to improve student engagement and school attendance. Earlier this week, the Crew donated 1,000 rally towels in support of our London Elementary students. In honor of the Crew’s donation and in support of the team as they battle that team down south, Dr. Kramer issued the following proclamation: