The London City School District met in a regular session on Tuesday, November 17th, 2023. The meeting was called to order by the Board President, Mr. Donovan Cooper with all members present.
During the student achievement portion of the meeting, the Board of Education Recognized several students for exemplary demonstrating the district’s Portrait of a Graduate skills and dispositions. In addition, the Board recognized LHS Agricultural Teacher, Dana Snyder, as the district’s Portrait of an Educator Honoree for November.
The highlight of Ms. Blind’s Treasurer’s report was the District’s updated Five-Year Forecast. With the passage of the district’s income tax levy earlier in the month, the district’s financial outlook is particularly positive. The district’s unreserved fund balance is expected to continue to increase until at least fiscal year 2026. This is mainly due to the district’s ability to keep expenses consistent over the last three years coupled with increased revenues. The Board also approved several routine items including donations from Ace Hardware (200-gallon jugs of windshield washer fluid and 2 patio upright heaters), the Academic Boosters ($250), the London Public Library and Friends of the Library ($500/$600), the Bramlage and Wilcoxon Foundation ($1500).
During Dr. Kramer’s Superintendent Report, updates were given for the district’s priority areas, which include raising student achievement, promoting a positive school climate, safety and security, and planning for growth. The update included the following:
Improving academic performance (District Goal 1): The district recently held two important days of Professional Development (November 8th and November 20th). Part of the time used was to support dyslexia and math training.
Enhancing safety and security (District Goal 4): The district is working in collaboration with the Madison County EMA, LFD, and LPD on a comprehensive safety drill to be held on Friday, December 8th. To accommodate the drill, the district will operate on a two-hour early release that day.
Planning for growth (District Goal 5): Earlier in the meeting, Dr. Kramer shared his District Annual Enrollment Report. This report takes a comprehensive look at past enrollment and predicts enrollment to be relatively flat for the next five years. The report also includes the following recommendations:
Plan for and continue to plan for the eventual need for additional instructional space.
Continue to invest in programs that focus on achieving district goals, but also work to retain and attract students.
Continue to use enrollment projections to help guide staffing decisions.
Continue to monitor enrollment factors, especially regarding open enrollment, charter school enrollment, and housing availability.
Fostering a positive school climate (District Goals 2 and 4). The district conducted a staff climate survey this fall and is in the process of reviewing the results.
During the governance and business portion of the Superintendent’s report, a first reading was conducted on several revised policies. As part of the superintendent’s business recommendations, the Board approved its annual agreement with the City of London to support the School Resource Officer program for 2024 and awarded an HB64 district diploma to a resident, who completed all criteria.
During the personnel portion of the Superintendent’s report, the Board acted to employ 2 classified employees, while accepting a resignation for retirement from 1 exempted employee. Other routine personnel matters were also approved.
The next meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for Tuesday, December 12th, 2023. The meeting will be held in the College and Career Readiness Center of London High School and begin at 6:30 pm. The minutes of each meeting are approved the following month and then posted here.